Central African Republic Political System, Famous People, Animals and Plants

By | January 15, 2023

Central African Republic: Political System

According to CANCERMATTERS.NET, the Central African Republic is a presidential republic. The unicameral parliament, the National Assembly, consists of 85 members newly elected every five years. The direct election of the head of state takes place every six years. See AbbreviationFinder for more information about Central African Republic politics, and acronyms as well.

About 50% of the country’s population are illiterate and the median life expectancy is around 39 years. The official name of the country is:

République Centrafricainey Central African Republic

National anthem

La Renaissance has been the official national anthem of the Central African Republic since 1960. Barthélémy Boganda, the first President of the Republic, wrote the text. The music comes from Herbert Pepper, who also composed Senegal’s hymn.

It’s in French In the English translation
O Centrafrique, ô berceau des Bantous!Reprends ton droit au respect, à la vie!

Longtemps soumis, longtemps brimé partous,

Mais de ce jour brisant la tyrannie.

Dans le travail, l’ordre et la dignité,

Tu reconquiers ton droit, ton unité,

Et pour franchir cette étape nouvelle,

De nos ancêtres la voix nous appelle.CHORUSAu travail dans l’ordre et la dignité,

Dans le respect du droit dans l’unité,

Brisant la misère et la tyrannie,

Brandissant l’étendard de la Patrie.

Oh Central Africa, cradle of the Bantu!Take your right to respect life!

Long oppressed and long humiliated,

but, from now on, break the grip of tyranny.

Through work, order and dignity

you will regain your rights, your unity,

and to take this new step

the voice of our ancestors calls us.REFRAINGet to work! In order and dignity,

In respect for justice and unity,

breaking poverty and tyranny, Holding

high the flag of the fatherland.

National flag

The national flag (country flag) of the Central African Republic was introduced on December 1, 1958.

Based on flag descriptions by Countryaah.com, white, red and blue represent the flag of France, the former colonial power.

– Green symbolizes the people of the forest region

– Yellow symbolizes the residents of the savannah area

– The red stripe symbolizes the red blood of all people

– The golden five-pointed star symbolizes the independence of the country.

The colors green, yellow and red are also the colors of Pan-Africa.

  • Check top-mba-universities for public holidays, sports events, UNESCO world heritage sites and major places to visit in Central African Republic.

Central African Republic: Known People

Jean-Bédel Bokassa (1921-1996)

Jean-Brédel Bokassa initially served as President of the Central African Republic and a few years later until 1979 as Emperor of the Central African Empire. Bokassa came to power through a coup against then President Dacko. He immediately abolished the constitution, banned political parties and dissolved parliament.

France supported the despot, who was proclaimed president for life in 1972. In 1976, Bokassa declared the republic a monarchy and was proclaimed Emperor Bokassa I of the Central African Empire.

The rule of Bokassa, who also believed himself to be the 13th apostle of Jesus, was marked by torture, murder and oppression. He himself had lent a hand in the torture and murder of children demonstrating. Former President David Dacko took advantage of Bokassa’s business trip and overthrew him. In absentia, the emperor was convicted of his crimes.

At that time, however, His Highness was in exile in France at Hardricourt Castle.

François Bozizé (born 1946)

Bozizé has been President of the Central African Republic since 2003. He had already made a career under Jean-Bédel Bokassa and fought for a long time against Ange-Félix Patassé, against whom he also attempted a coup. In 2003 Bozizé was able to seize power. This was not legalized until 2005.

Élie Doté (born 1947)

Doté, the independent Prime Minister of the Central African Republic from 2005 to 2008, served under President François Bozizé.

Etienne Goyémidé (born 1942)

The novelist, poet and short story writer was best known for his work Le Silence de la Forêt.

André Kolingba (1935-2010)

André Kolingba was born in Bangui in 1935 and served as President of the Central African Republic from 1981 to 1993. His tenure began after the fall of David Dacko.

Anicet Richard Lavodrama y Ondoma (born 1963)

The former basketball player from the Central African Republic was active between 1985 and 1998 and during this time played mainly in Spain and for the Central African national team.

Romain Guessagba Sato Lebel (born 1981)

The basketball player, born in 1981 in Bimbo, has been under contract with Panathinaikos Athens since 2010.

Ange-Félix Patassé (1937-2011)

Patassé was President of the Central African Republic from 1993 to 2003. His term of office was overshadowed by numerous coup attempts and revolts. During a conference trip to Niger, he was deposed by Bozizé.

Nathalie Tauziat (born 1967)

The famous former French-African tennis player was born in 1967 in Bangui. During her career she won eight singles and 25 doubles tournaments.

Central African Republic: animals


There are large areas in the Central African Republic that are still relatively untouched. The largest and most intact rainforest belt on the continent is located here.

The south of the country is overgrown with dense rainforest, which becomes less dense in the north and then turns into a dry savannah. Almost half of the world’s animal and plant species are located here.

Local animals include the lowland gorillas, which are threatened with extinction, as well as:

bongo antelopes, buffalo, elephants, sloths, gazelles, cheetahs, lions, baboons, cheetahs, chimpanzees, colobus monkeys, forest buffalo and forest elephants.


You can find numerous species of crocodiles and snakes, including the two most poisonous snakes in Africa, the green and black mamba as well as the:

African spitting cobra

Egyptian cobra

Egyptian sand rattle otter

Banded water cobra

Green mamba

Nile crocodile

Black and white cobra

Black mamba

Common crocodile

West African crocodile

The West African crocodile (Crocodylus suchus) has become very rare. At first glance, the animals differ little from the Nile crocodile. In contrast to the Nile crocodile, they prefer waters in the dry interior of Africa, such as oases in the Sahara with water. They feed mainly on fish and frogs, but occasionally also on birds and small animals – but rarely on goats or sheep.

West African armored crocodile

The West African armored crocodile (Mecistops cataphractus) is an African species of the real crocodiles (Crocodylidae) within the genus Mecistops. Until 2018, Mecistops cataphractus was the only species of the genus, due to differences in DNA and other characteristics, it is now differentiated as the West African armored crocodile from the Central African armored crocodile (Mecistops leptorhynchus). The animals stand out with their strikingly narrow and elongated snouts. They reach a length between 250 and in rare cases up to about 400 cm. The animals live in rivers, lakes, swamps and freshwater lagoons with dense bank vegetation. The back side is colored dark olive. Their diet consists mainly of fish, mammals, birds, amphibians, water snails and reptiles.

Central African Republic: plants

Most of the Central African Republic consists of savannahs, which are dry savannah in the north and desert in the northernmost tip. Grasses and a few trees grow in the dry savannah. Since the precipitation increases towards the south, you will find a moist savannah with a light forest here. There are gallery forests along the rivers. The tropical rainforest in the southwest of the country takes up about 8 percent of the country’s area. Almost half of the world’s plant and animal species are in the country.

Central African Republic Politics