Gabon Political System, Famous People, Animals and Plants

By | January 15, 2023

Gabon: Political System

According to CANCERMATTERS.NET, Gabon is a presidential republic. The bicameral parliament consists of the National Assembly with 120 members who are elected every five years and the Senate with 91 members who are indirectly elected every six years. The head of state is directly elected every seven years. See AbbreviationFinder for more information about Gabon politics, and acronyms as well.

The official name of the country is:

République Gabonaise Gabonese Republic

National anthem

La Concorde has been Gabon’s national anthem since 1960.

Text and music are by Georges Aleka Damas (1902-1982) from Gabon.

In French In German
RefrainUni dans la Concorde et la fraternité

Eveilletoi Gabon, une aurore se lève,

En courage l’ardeur qui vibre et nous soulève!

C’est enfin notre essor vers la félicité.

C’est enfin notre essor vers la félicité.Eblouissant et fier, le jour sublime monte

Pourchassant à jamais l’injustice et la honte.

Qu’il monte, monte encore et calme nos alarmes,

Qu’il prône la vertu et repousse les armes.


Oui que le temps heureux rêvé par nos ancêtres

Arrive enfin chez nous, rejouisse les êtres,

Et chasse les sorciers, ces perfides trompeurs.

Qui semaient le poison et répandaient la peur.


Afin qu’aux yeux du monde et des nations amies

Le Gabon immortel reste digne d’envie,

Oublion nos querelles, emsemble bâtissons

L’édifice nouveau au quel tous nous rêvons.


Des bords de l’Ocean au cœur de la forêt,

Demeurons vigilants, sans faiblesse et sans haine!

Autour de ce drapeau, qui vers l’honneurs nous mène,

Saluons la Patrie et chantons sans arrêt!

United in unity and brotherhoodWake up, Gabon, a dawn is rising,

Encourage the glow that vibrates and lifts us up!

It is our ascent towards bliss, after all.

It is our ascent towards bliss, after all.Dazzling and trusting, the sublime day turns to

Never persecuted injustice and shame.

That he stands up, still stands up and calms our alarms,

That he praises virtue and pushes back the weapons.


Yes, that the happy time dreamed of by our ancestors

finally arrives with us the creature is happy,

And hunts the witchers, these perfidious misleaders.

Who sowed the poison and spread fear.


So that in the eyes of the world and the friend nations

the immortal Gabon remains worthy of desire,

Forget our quarrel, build together the

new building in which we all dream.


edges of the ocean in the heart of the forest,

Be mindful without weakness and without hatred!

To this flag that leads us in the direction of honor,

salute the fatherland and sing without ceasing!

National flag

The current national flag of Gabon was officially introduced on August 9, 1960. Based on flag descriptions by, the colors of the flag are interpreted as follows:

– Green stands for the forests of the country

– Yellow for the sun or the equator

– Blue for the sea

  • Check top-mba-universities for public holidays, sports events, UNESCO world heritage sites and major places to visit in Gabon.

Gabon: animals


Gabon is located in the tropics of Central Africa with high rainfall and high humidity, which is ideal for the rainforest with its numerous animals. However, it is a little less rainy in the southeast of the country. Fortunately, the rainforest still covers large parts of the country, around 80% of the country is forested. The animals enjoy special protection in the 13 national parks in the country.

Antelopes can be found in Gabon, including bongos, blue-mouthed monkeys, buffaloes, lowland gorillas, cheetahs, leopards, lions, chimpanzees, mandrills, hippos, panthers, brush-eared pigs, forest buffalos and forest elephants

The 13 national parks in the country are particularly rich in animals and plants:

  • Akanda National Park• Batéké Plateau National Park• Birougou National Park• Monts de Crystal National Park

    • Ivindo National Park

    • Loango National Park

    • Lopé National Park

    • Mayumba National Park

    • Minkébé National Park

    • Moukalaba-Doudau National Park

Reptiles without poisonous snakes

It is particularly worth mentioning that there are three different types of krodil in the “Loango National Park”.

The local non-poisonous snakes are:

– African house snake (Boaedon fuliginosus)

– Boaedon périforestier forest (Boaedon perisilvestris)

– Brown tree snake (Dipsadoboa duchesnii)

– Rock python (Python sebae)

– Hallowell’s house snake (Boaedon virgatus)

– Coastal house snake (Boaedon virgatus) – Coastal house snake (

Boaaisedon littenton Dipsadoboa viridis)

– Olive-colored house snake (Boaedon olivaceus)

– Rasmuss`sche tree snake (Dipsadoboa underwoodi)

– Black and white (

hat snake) (Najanoleuca – Weiler`s tree snake (ipsadoboa weileri)

Poisonous snakes

The following venomous snakes can be found in Gabon:

– Heavily banded cobra (Naja multifasciata)

– African spitting cobra (Naja nigricollis)

– Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica)

– Common puff

adder (Bitis arietans) – Banded water cobra (Naja annula)

– Rhinoceros viper (Bitis nasicornis)

– Heavily banded cobra (Naja multifasciata)

Insects, disease vectors

Termites, ants, numerous mosquito species, butterflies, bees and wasps can be found here. Among the insects are also the carriers of the pathogens of malaria (Anopheles), yellow fever (yellow fever mosquito) and sleeping sickness (tsetse flies)


Do not bathe in inland waters, as this can lead to infection with schistosomiasis (schistosomiasis) – or to encounters with dangerous animals. The causative agents of this dangerous infection are the larvae of the pair of leeches.


The country is very rich in birds. The following is a large number of the birds that live here and are particularly common in the country’s 13 national parks:

A to F

African cuckoo, Ansell cuckoo, single-color bulb warbler, amethyst glossy star, pale-headed pink, curlew, tree rattle lark, rush fowl, blue-breasted plover, brown-forehead plover, black-headed plover, blue-backed whip, brown-headed whisker, black-backed whistle, bristle-horned bobblebird, blue-backed whistle

G to K

Gabon Buschsänger, Gelbbauchbülbül, yellow Kehl Pieper, Cory Madenhacker, yellow cap Weber, Gelbwangentrogon, Glanzhaubenschnäpper, Gleitaar, gold cuckoo Goslingfeinsänger, Gray abdominal mouse Specht, Graubürzelsinghabicht, green Kehl gloss head, Graukopf Sperling, green head Nektarvogel, Guineaibis, collar Brachschwalbe, Hartlaubbülbül, Hartlaub duck, harlequin quail, little swift, Horus Swift, Kapohreule, Carmine pint, chestnut loin, throat-streaked buzzard, mace hornbill, Congo treacher, Congo eared sickle hop, cuckoo shrike

L to R

long-tailed goshawk, wild chicken, lyre-tailed honey indicator, loango-tailed, maiden-dove, Mozambique

girl, narinatrogon, purple pint, revenge pigeon, red-cap spreader, rachel-weaver, raffia-bellied, rose-bellied-bearded bird, rose moth, red-necked weaver, red-necked loin

S to Z

Saphirspint, Salvadoribussard, snake Bussard, Schlichthaubenperlhuhn,

Schwarzkopfspint, Schwarzperlhuhn, Schwarzkinn Weber, Senegal Trappe, Sing Schwalbe

Temminckrennvogel, termites Specht, deceit Schwalbe, Waldnacht Schwalbe, Wassertriel,

violet coat Heron White axillary Schwalbe, Bald peewit, White Schopf Hornvogel

White pond heron, Weißstirnspint, Senegal thick-knee, Zeisigbülbül, Rein Reads, Kingfisher, little bee-eater.

Gabon: plants

Gabon is located in the tropics of Central Africa with high rainfall and high humidity, which is ideal for the rainforest with its numerous plants and animals. However, it is a little less rainy in the southeast of the country. The rainforest still covers large parts of the country, around 80% of the country is forested.

The plants and animals enjoy special protection in the 13 national parks in the country. Several thousand different types of plants are native here. The dense rainforest on the plateaus changes into wet savannah and mangrove forests in the lowlands in the west. In the rather dry southeast you can find savannahs with grasslands with only a few trees, including palm trees, climbing plants and ferns.

Mangrove trees and bushes grow on the Atlantic coast, which also thrive in salty water.

Gabon Politics