List of MBA Colleges in Connecticut

By | January 14, 2023

MBA Programs in Connecticut

Welcome to the top MBA directory in Connecticut. We have created the list of best Connecticut business colleges that provide BBA, MBA or DBA programs. Most business schools offer full-time, part-time and executive education. Such rankings are based on the student surveys, alumni reviews, admissions profiles, employment rates, average starting salary and peer school assessment. To find out detailed information about admissions and career about each school in Connecticut, just follow the link below.

Connecticut [kəneʹtikət], abbreviated CT, state of northeastern United States; 13,000 km2, 3.6 million residents (2018).Connecticut is on the Atlantic coast and is the southernmost of the six New England states. It is one of the smallest areas of the US states and one of the most densely populated. The capital is Hartford.

Connecticut Location Map

Connecticut. State Map.


Connecticut belongs from a terrain point of view to the Appalachian Highlands, which, however, here through the central Connecticut Valley is divided into two highland areas. Both slopes slowly towards the coast to the south and are built up by individual ridge ridges, which sweep in the north-south direction and are interrupted by deep, narrow valleys. The western highlands are at the far north-west of the Taconian Mountains in the Appalachians. Here is also Connecticut’s highest point, Mount Frissell (725 m above sea level).

The central lowland is a fault block, about 32 km wide, filled with sandstone and slate and lava rocks from periodic volcanism. Due to faults, numerous small hornbills have been formed, some of which reach 300 m above the surroundings.

The coastal plain along the Long Island Strait is less than 150 m above sea level. and forms alternating marshland and sandy coasts with several smaller islands offshore. Numerous smaller rivers drain off the state to the south; the largest is Connecticut.

There are more than 1,000 small lakes and several ponds, some with waterfalls.

Connecticut Sight

Connecticut. Chapman Falls at East Haddam in central Connecticut.

The climate is characterized by mild winters with temperatures around the freezing point and summers with average temperatures between 21 °C and 24 °C as well as a precipitation that varies from 900 to 1200 mm per year. Most typical of the weather in Connecticut is its great variability, described in Mark Twain’s famous phrase: “If you don’t like the weather in Connecticut – wait a minute.”


During the first half of the 1900s, Connecticut had a strong population increase, but now population growth has leveled out. More than 80 percent of the population are white, descendants of immigrants from Italy and Poland, etc. Italian origin is particularly strong in the New Haven area. About 12 per cent of the population was black, mainly living in the larger cities. The urbanization rate is over 80 percent. The settlement is concentrated to the coastal area and to a north-south zone in the middle of Connecticut. There is Hartford, with suburbs 1.2 million residents and thus the state’s largest city. The coastal zone of southwestern Connecticut is largely a contiguous urban area, which can be considered a suburban area of ​​New York and also statistically included in its metropolitan area. This includes cities such as Greenwich, Stamford and Bridgeport.

Connecticut Population


Average income is high. Manufacturing and service industries dominate while agriculture is of little importance nowadays. However, dairy management, vegetable cultivation and production of eggs and chicken play a role for the local market. The state is one of the most industrialized in the United States. Almost all raw materials are imported. The previous manufacture of rifles and other metal products as well as household appliances has been completed, and the industry is now very versatile. Often there is a link to the defense industry (weapons, ammunition, submarines, jet engines, aircraft and helicopter manufacturing), but the manufacture of scientific instruments and chemical products is also important. The industry is mainly concentrated to Bridgeport, New Haven and Hartford with surroundings. Many large corporations are headquartered in Connecticut, for example in Stamford, one of the cities closest to New York. Hartford has many insurance companies. The US Coast Guard Academy is headquartered in New London. Among the universities, Yale University in New Haven is one of the most famous in the United States. Connecticut is crossed by major highways, in part due to the passage of the Boston-New York transit route.

Tourism and gastronomy

Connecticut is not primarily associated with any major tourist attractions, but for the state’s economy, tourism is becoming increasingly important. The income comes mainly from domestic visitors. Many of the tourists come from nearby metropolitan areas and are drawn to Connecticut’s coastal areas and lakes for recreation. The annual Harvard-Yale Street in June on the Thames River in New London attracts many spectators. Others are interested in historical monuments and of the city’s older buildings, such as the Old State House (1796) and Mark Twain’s restored home in Hartford.

Connecticut. Mark Twain’s home in Hartford

Gastronomically, the state is characterized by its historical heritage and proximity to the rich, international food culture of New York. The English colonists were met by a rich landscape of cold winters. They had access to countless fish, seafood, root vegetables, herbs, turkeys and buffalo meat – but hardly time or knowledge to develop any higher cuisine. Even today, robust food that manages itself on the stove is common; the excellent ingredients require no finesse. Clam chowder (red mussel soup), boiled lobster with butter sauce, oysters that are fried, grilled, cooked or dipped raw in ketchup, the obligatory chestnut-filled turkey for Thanksgiving Day, pots of beans and cod, corn and chicken mixed with mussels – all are dishes that show an astonishing traditionalism, especially considering that all the more exotic, international dishes are accepted without a hitch; Oriental, Jewish, Indian and Mediterranean foods are at least as popular.


The area’s indigenous population was algon kin. Connecticut began to be colonized in the 1630s by Dutch and English. In the 1660s, the scattered settlements gathered into a colony. Connecticut was one of the 13 colonies that started the North American War of Independence. Trade and industry developed early and were accelerated by extensive immigration during the 19th century. After 1945, Connecticut gained a significant high-tech industry and a strong economy, with 1986 having the highest per capita income in the United States. Party politics have long dominated Republicans, but after 1945, Democrats have usually had a certain takeover.

Connecticut Business Schools