List of MBA Colleges in Maryland

By | January 15, 2023

MBA Programs in Maryland

Welcome to the top MBA directory in Maryland. We have created the list of best Maryland business colleges that provide BBA, MBA or DBA programs. Most business schools offer full-time, part-time and executive education. Such rankings are based on the student surveys, alumni reviews, admissions profiles, employment rates, average starting salary and peer school assessment. To find out detailed information about admissions and career about each school in Maryland, just follow the link below.

Maryland [meʹrələnd], abbreviated MD, US state; 25 316 km2, 6 million residents (2018).Maryland is located around Chesapeake Bay on the East Coast. The capital is Annapolis. District of Columbia, viz. The area of ​​the Federal Capital of Washington, erupted from Maryland in 1790 and forms an enclave on the Virginia border.

Maryland Location Map

Maryland. State Map.


The flat coastal state of eastern Maryland, with large marshlands, is divided into an eastern and a western part of Chesapeake Bay. The Piedmont Plateau, further west, is a rolling landscape that rises from east to west. It turns into a narrow area that belongs to the Appalachian wooded plateau in the far west. The state’s highest peak, Backbone Mountain (1,024 m asl), is in this area.

Maryland Sight

Maryland. Lake Redington in Central Maryland.

The climate in eastern Maryland is a rainy coastal climate with cold winters. In Baltimore, the average temperature in January is + 1 °C and in July + 25 ° C. The high-lying areas in the west have a more continental climate. The annual rainfall is 1 100 mm.


During the 2000s, Maryland’s population has increased slightly less than the United States average. Just over 30 percent of the population is African American and just under 60 percent white. About 95 percent of the population lives in the metropolitan area, the majority in Baltimore (621,800 residents, 2016), and in the part of the Washington region that belongs to Maryland. Central locations in the state’s northwest are Hagerstown and Cumberland.

Maryland Population


Service and service industries and industry are essential elements of Maryland’s economy. Federal establishments and institutions account for a significant part of employment. However, the industry, mainly the iron and steel industry, has declined somewhat in importance during the 2000s. The transport sector is also of great importance for the state’s economy. Baltimore’s port is one of the largest in the United States and handles, for example, large quantities of raw materials for inland industries. Agriculture is primarily focused on the metropolitan market (vegetables, dairy and poultry products). The role of traditional tobacco growing has diminished.

Tourism and gastronomy

A historic trip in the United States can begin at the Potomac Outfall in Chesapeake Bay. There, in 1634, the first 250 English colonists landed and built Saint Mary’s City, which then became the capital of the colony until 1694.

Many historic buildings remain in Annapolis, and here is also the 1845 US Naval Academy. Maryland has many memorials from the Civil War and the Civil War, which attracts many American visitors.

The city of Baltimore with its museums, art galleries etc. is the state’s main tourist destination. Ocean City is the leading seaside resort on the Atlantic Ocean, and along Chesapeake Bay there are also a number of recreational resorts.

Maryland. The Seven Foot Knoll lighthouse in Baltimore is now a popular museum.

Maryland has plenty of corn, dairy products, poultry and even some game. The oysters from Chesapeake Bay became an early concept and were even used to fill the traditional turkey. Otherwise, the blue-shell crabs dominate; they turn into soups, Maryland Crab Cakes or stew. When sewing shells, they are especially sought after and deep fried whole.


Maryland was founded in 1634 as a refuge for persecuted Catholics in England. Later, Protestants also immigrated, leading to disputes and making Maryland in 1691 a British crown colony. Maryland was one of the 13 colonies that formed the United States in 1776. The economy was based on agriculture, mainly tobacco cultivation on large plantations with slave labor. Therefore, at the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, there were strong sympathies for joining the Southern States, but Maryland was held, because of its strategically important location, in an iron grip of the Northern State Army and forced to remain in the Union. Through its good transportation links, Maryland has developed into an important trade and industrial state with Baltimore as an important export port. Politically, the Democratic Party has dominated since the Civil War.

Maryland Business Schools