Tag Archives: Luxembourg

According to watchtutorials, Luxembourg is a small, landlocked country located in Western Europe. It is bordered by France, Germany, and Belgium. The population of Luxembourg is estimated to be 626,108 people as of 2020. The majority of the population are ethnically Luxembourgish, with French and German being the most widely spoken languages. The population density in Luxembourg is one of the highest in Europe at 590 people per square kilometer. The capital city of Luxembourg City has a population of over 115,000 people and is the largest city in the country. In terms of age distribution, approximately 28% of the population are under 15 years old and 17% are over 65 years old. The median age for the country is 40 years old which reflects its relatively young population compared to other European countries. Luxembourg also has a large immigrant population with more than 40% coming from other countries such as Portugal, Italy and France. In addition to this there is also a significant number of foreign-born citizens from countries such as Turkey and Morocco making up around 8% of the total population. See iamhigher for Luxembourg Population and Language.

Luxembourg Political System, Famous People, Animals and Plants

Luxembourg: political system According to COMPUTERMINUS.COM, Luxembourg is a parliamentary democracy in the form of a constitutional monarchy. At the head of the state is the Grand Duke, who exercises executive power with the government under the Prime Minister (also called Minister of State). The State Council with 27 members provides advice to the government.… Read More »

How to get to Luxembourg

Overview Luxembourg is a country in Europe according to militarynous. Luxembourg is an attractive country with a scenic landscape of rolling hills and valleys and a multitude of historical sights. There are also beautiful forests, wine-growing regions and impressive sandstone cliffs to be discovered in Luxembourg. The capital of the same name, Luxembourg, consists of… Read More »