List of MBA Colleges in Arizona

By | January 14, 2023

MBA Programs in Arizona

Welcome to the top MBA directory in Arizona. We have created the list of best Arizona business colleges that provide BBA, MBA or DBA programs. Most business schools offer full-time, part-time and executive education. Such rankings are based on the student surveys, alumni reviews, admissions profiles, employment rates, average starting salary and peer school assessment. To find out detailed information about admissions and career about each school in Arizona, just follow the link below.

Arizona [ærizo u ʹnə], abbreviated AZ, state of southwestern United States; 295,000 km2, 7.2 million residents (2018).Arizona is one of the Mountain States. In the Northeast, the boundaries between Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona meet, which is the only place in the United States where four state boundaries meet (The Four States Corner). The capital is Phoenix.

Arizona Location Map

Arizona. State Map.


In the north, Arizona is occupied by plateaus that form part of the great Colorado Plateau. Many individual landforms, e.g. mesa, butte, canyon valleys and other erosion forms, have attracted much attention. Best known are the Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater, Painted Desert and Petrified Forest.

Arizona Sight

Arizona. The Grand Canyon, which was listed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1979.

Diagonally through the state, a mountainous area extends south of the plateau region, which is an extension to the north of the Mexican mountain ranges. The southwestern part is occupied by the so-called basin-and-back region, which is widely distributed in this part of North America. Almost all of Arizona is within the Colorado River drainage area. There are quite a few natural lakes, but a good number of artificial ones, for example Meadsjön and Roosevelt Dam.

The semi-arid climate is warm and dry in almost the entire state. The vegetation is therefore sparse, and in the arid parts most chaparral and cactus vegetation occurs.


About 5 percent of the population are Native Americans (including Apache, Hopi and Navajo), who mainly live in reserves (1/4 of Arizona’s area). The historical influence of both Native American and Spanish-Mexican times has affected Arizona in terms of, among other things, settlement and culture, and is now mixed with the impetus of a powerful move from other parts of the United States. Arizona’s population has doubled since World War II. The most important cities are Phoenix (1.6 million residents, 2016) and Tucson (531,600 residents).

Arizona Population


Simply put, Arizona’s business is based on four Cs: Cattle, Cotton, Copper, and Climate. Agricultural colonization began with livestock farming. However, large areas have been able to cultivate large areas through irrigation. The Roosevelt Dam near Phoenix was built in 1911, and many other irrigation and power plant projects have been added later, such as the Hoover Dam in the Colorado River. However, the growing needs of the growing population come into conflict with irrigated agriculture, and groundwater reserves are being depleted slowly. In a commercially oriented, partially high-mechanized economies of scale, in addition to cotton, cereals, citrus fruits and lettuce are grown.

Arizona has rich mineral resources. Copper extraction in particular is important. However, measured in terms of production value, the mining industry comes after both agriculture and manufacturing. The latter, along with tourism, is Arizona’s most important industry. Industrial localization has been extensive in recent decades, especially in the Phoenix region, but also in Tucson. Electronic industries, aerospace and space research are important industries in Arizona.

The climate has been utilized as a positive factor for both agriculture and industrial location. In the first place, however, it is tourism that benefits from the warm and dry climate, which in combination with the unique nature attracts large numbers of tourists to the state.

Tourism and gastronomy

Arizona, one of the United States’ foremost tourist states, offers visitors unique scenery and many attractions from different historical eras. The most well-known and popular tourist destination is the Grand Canyon on the Colorado River, but the state’s strange nature also attracts visitors to areas such as the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert as well as the Meteor Crater between Flagstaff and Winslow.

In southern Arizona there are large desert areas with distinctive vegetation. The state’s northeastern part, the Four Corners area, exhibits a geologically distinctive landscape. The area constitutes Native American reserves, and there are also interesting monuments from earlier Native American cultures, such as large rock houses. Many western films have been partially recorded in these regions. The most well-known place from the “lawless” colonial era is Tombstone in southeastern Arizona, where the legendary settlement at OK Corral took place in 1881 with Wyatt Earp as victor; that his efforts as a classic wild west sheriff were questioned by historical research – Earp himself contributed to the myth formation – does not make the impression. Many ghost towns and former mining towns, as well as big cities such as Phoenix and Tucson, attract many visitors.

In Arizona, the harsh conditions, the large land areas, the European immigrants and the Mexican and Native American cultures met. The gastronomic result has become huge steaks, preferably of lamb but most commonly of beef, eaten at grand barbecue parties. But here are also spicy foods that can cause many tourists to lose their spirits, cook with beans and corn, pancakes with home-made jam (preferably on cactus fruits) or pickled fruit and a variety of recipes for home-baked bread.

Not only chili pepper but also oregano, cumin, garlic and rosemary flourish in the pots, which in many cases contain pinto beans cooked with zucchini and a piece of dairy mostly for the sake of, or colache, vegetable stew. The impression of some extravagant extravagance that the meat festivals often give is thus dampened by the ubiquitous feature of thrift and enterprise which has lived ever since the pioneer era.


Native American high cultures have long been in the area. In 1540, Spanish conquerors arrived. They were followed by gold miners and missionaries, but attempts at permanent settlement were backed by the Indians. Arizona became part of Mexico in 1821, but the United States conquered most of 1848 and bought the remainder in 1854. In 1912, Arizona became the 48th state of the United States. Arizona was a very sparsely populated country for a long time, but the mining deposits, dam construction and the pleasant climate led to a strong, after 1945 almost explosive population increase. Politically, Arizona has a conservative profile, especially since Republicans after 1950 broke the previously strong Democratic dominance.

Arizona Business Schools