Guinea-Bissau Political System, Famous People, Animals and Plants

By | January 15, 2023

Guinea-Bissau: Political System

According to CANCERMATTERS.NET, Guinea-Bissau is a presidential republic. The directly elected regional councils send 150 members to the National Assembly every five years. This elects the 15-member State Council, which acts as the executive. The heads of state are also directly elected every five years. A one-time re-election is possible. See AbbreviationFinder for more information about Guinea-Bissau politics, and acronyms as well. The official name of the country is:

República da Guiné-Bissau Republic of Guinea Bissau

National anthem

Esta é a Nossa Pátria Bem Amada (This is our beloved land) has been the national anthem of Guinea-Bissau since 1974. The text and melody were written by Amilcar Lopes Cabral in 1963.

In Portuguese In the English translation
Sol, suor eo verde e mar,Séculos de dor e esperança:

Esta é a terra dos nossos avós!

Fruto das nosas mãos,

Da flôr do nosso sangue:

Esta é a nossa pátria amada.Refrain:

Viva a pátria gloriosa!

Floriu nos céus a bandeira da luta.

Avante, contra o jugo estrangeiro!

Nós vamos construir

Na patria immortal

A paz eo progresso!

Nós vamos construir

Na patria immortal

A paz eo progresso! paz eo progresso!Ramos do mesmo tronco,

Olhos na mesma luz:

Esta é a força da nossa união!

Cantem o mar ea terra

A madrugada eo sol

Que a nossa luta fecundou.refrain

Sun, sweat, algae and sea,decades of pain and hope;

This is the land of our ancestors.

Fruit of our hands,

the flower of our blood;

This is our beloved land.Refrain:

Long live our glorious land!

The banner of our struggle

fluttered in the sky.

Forward against the foreign yoke!

Peace and Progress

We Will

Build Up In Our Immortal Land!

Peace and Progress

In Our Immortal Land!Branches of the same trunk,

eyes in the same light;

This is the power of our unity!

The sea and the land,

The dawn and the sun sing

That our struggle bore fruit!refrain

National flag

The national flag (national flag) of Guinea-Bissau was officially introduced on September 24, 1973. Based on flag descriptions by, the flag is interpreted as follows:

– Red stands for the blood that the people wore to achieve independence.

– Yellow symbolizes the fruits of labor and the harvest.

– Green stands for the tropical nature and for the hope for a happy future

– The black five-pointed star is a symbol for Africa and its black population.

  • Check top-mba-universities for public holidays, sports events, UNESCO world heritage sites and major places to visit in Guinea-Bissau.

Guinea-Bissau: Known People

Amílcar Cabral (1924-1973)

The Cape Verdean politician and independence fighter, who was born in Bafatá in 1924, began his fight against the Portuguese colonial rulers with the establishment of the PAIGC, the African Party for the independence of Guinea and Cape Verde. He also campaigned for the independence of Cape Verdes and Guinea abroad, to which the Portuguese military responded with several assassination attempts. In 1973 Cabral was killed as a result of a (failed) coup committed by part of the PAIGC army in Cape Verde. The day of Amílcar Cabral’s death is now a national holiday in Cape Verde.

Flora Gomes (born 1949)

The film director, who was born in Cadique in Guinea-Bissau, shot the first fictional film ever made in Guinea-Bissau with his Mortu Nega in 1988. In 1992 Gomes’ film Udju Azul di Yonta was shown at the Cannes Film Festival.

Carlos Gomes Júnior (born 1949) In

1949 Carlos Gomes Júnior, also known as Cadogo, was born in Bolama, Guinea-Bissau’s current Prime Minister. Today’s richest man in the country began his political career during the war of independence against Portugal as a member of the PAIGC, which ruled Guinea-Bissau until 1999.

Malam Bacai Sanhá (born 1947)

After Malam Sanhá had been President of Guinea-Bissau from 1999 to 2000, he was re-elected in 2009.

João Bernardo Vieira (1939-2009)

The politician also known as Nino served as President of Guinea-Bissau from 1980 to 1999 and from 2005 to 2009. Vieira, who was also active during the War of Independence, took up his first high office as Defense Minister in 1973. Vieira was murdered by soldiers in 2009.

Guinea Bissau: animals


Monkeys, including chimpanzees, are native to the tropical rainforests in the south of the country. Guinea baboons, green monkeys, West African colobus monkeys, Senegal Galagos and hussar monkeys also live here. There are also warthogs, brush ear pigs and aardvarks in Guinea-Bissau, which feed on termites, among other things.

Cape buffalo and various species of antelope such as the sitatunga (water kudu) and even hippos can be found in Guinea-Bissau. All over Guinea-Bissau there are also hyraxes, porcupines, gray footed squirrels, Mozambique hares, pangolins, but also various types of rats and mice.

The big cats in Guinea-Bissau include pardle rollers, which are similar to the crawling cats and can be up to 60 cm long. Other predators are the lynx-like caracals, wild cats, servals, as well as spotted hyenas and leopards. Of the large mammal species, elephants and hippos still live in some protected areas.

Reptiles, amphibians (excluding venomous snakes)

The largest turtle colony in West Africa can be found on some of the islands in the Bissagós Archipelago. Crocodiles live in the mangroves and turtles lay their eggs in the sand on the country’s beaches.

Non-poisonous snakes, strangler snakes

– African house snake (Boaedon fuliginosus)

– Rock python (Python sebae)

– Ball python (Python regius)

Poisonous snakes

– African spitting cobra (Naja nigricollis)

– Common puff adder (Bitis arietans)

– Striped house snake (Boaedon lineatus)

– Green mamba (Dendroaspis viridis)

– Rhinoceros viper Bitis rhinoceros)

– Black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis)

– Black and white cobra (

Senegal Kobra) – Black and white cobra (Naja senegalensis)

– uraeus snake (Naja haje)


Among the numerous mosquitoes that occur is the Anopheles mosquito, the carrier of malaria. Yellow fever is transmitted by the yellow fever mosquito (Stegomyia aegypti), which also transmits dengue fever and zika fever. There is also the tsetse fly, which is known to be the carrier of sleeping sickness. You can also find termites, flies, bees and wasps, to name just a few of the local insects. Numerous – often very colorful – butterflies also live in Guinea-Bissau.


ants Three subfamilies of ants are called real wandering ants, the Ecitoninae, Dorylinae and Aenictinae. In Guinea-Bissau there are some species of the genus Dorylus from the subfamily Dorylinae and some species of the genus Aenictus from the subfamily Aenictinae. This genus is divided into about 135 species and 30 subspecies. The wandering ants of the genus Dorylus live in groups of up to 20 million specimens. They don’t build nests but move around all the time. Your queen can grow up to 7 cm.

Goliath beetles

The Goliath beetles (Goliathus) form a genus from the subfamily of the rose beetles (Cetoniinae) in the order of the beetles (Coleoptera). These nocturnal beetles can reach a length of up to 10 cm and inhabit the rainforests and tree savannas of the country. There are the following species of the genus:

– Goliathus goliatus

– Goliathus albosignatus

– Goliathus regius

– Goliathus cacicus

– Goliathus orientalis


The native birds of Guinea-Bissau include, for example, gray-headed parrots, white pelicans, red-billed tropical birds, white-bellied gannets and little grebes. There are also flamingos, cormorants, guinea fowl, herons as well as darters and storks. In the Cufada Laguna Nature Park in particular, numerous migratory birds from Europe overwinter – in addition to the native and often rare and exotic bird species. These include crested larks, house martins, Graubülbüls and stilt birds.

Water world

In the sea off the coast of the country, there are numerous tropical fish, whales, dolphins, African manatees – a species of manatee – and various types of shark.

Guinea Bissau: plants

More than a third of the area of Guinea-Bissau is covered by tropical rainforest, some of which extend to the coast. Sometimes there is a strip on the coast, which consists of swamp areas. The further you get inland, the more you will find savannah landscapes. A third of the area of Guinea-Bissau consists of nature reserves with a diverse flora and fauna.

The numerous rivers that flow into the Atlantic are lined with mangrove forests. The Cacheu River Mangrove Nature Park is one of the largest mangrove areas in Africa.

Rice, corn, millet, cassava, yams and sugar cane as well as peanuts, cashews and oil palms are grown in the country.

Guinea-Bissau Politics