University of the Andes (Venezuela)

By | December 22, 2021

University of the Andes (Venezuela). Autonomous national university, financed by the Venezuelan State. It comprises an area of ​​360,719 m 2. distributed throughout the three Andean States, in addition to the extensions of the Faculty of Medicine that are located in the cities of Guanare, Valle de La Pascua and Barinas. It is the second University in chronological order of those existing in the country; she imparts to Mérida the character of the University City of Venezuela.


The origins of the University of Los Andes dates back to the year 1785, when Fray Juan Ramos de Lora, the first bishop of Mérida, founded in this city a house of education for young people with a vocation for the priestly career where they would be taught classes in religion, Latin language and morals. Two years later this house was converted into a Tridentine Seminary and in 1789 it was given the title of Real Colegio Seminario de San Buenaventura. In 1806, the institute already consolidated, King Carlos IV authorized it to confer major and minor degrees in Philosophy, Theology and Canons., as if it were a university, although it does not grant it such a category [1] .

The 21 of September of 1810 the Superior Board ruling in Mérida Seminary gives the coveted title of Royal University of San Buenaventura de Merida de los Caballeros. In 1812 a great earthquake destroyed the city and the following year the Seminary-University was transferred to Maracaibo where it began to function in 1815 only as a Seminary. In 1821 the Seminary-University returned to Mérida. In 1824 the University was given the name of Academia de Mérida (they also called it the Colegio de Mérida), but the name of the University of Mérida was imposed. In 1832 The national government orders the drafting of the first statutes of this University, with which the Seminary and the University are equally separated, although they remain operating in the same building.

On September 21, 1872, President Antonio Guzmán Blanco decreed the extinction of the Seminars throughout the Venezuelan territory and the delivery of their assets to the schools of arts and crafts that were established. Upon handing over the seminary in 1875 the building where it worked, the University of Mérida had to vacate and move to another building, but in 1877 the government of General Francisco Linares Alcántara ordered the return of the University to its old headquarters, which was definitively transferred to it..

The 24 of September of 1883, being again Guzmán Blanco in the presidency of the Republic ordered the sale of all assets of the University of Merida, which is ruined and it becomes completely dependent on the state budget. On that same date, the government changed the title of the University of Mérida to the University of Los Andes. In 1904 the government of General Cipriano Castro gave it the name of Universidad Occidental and in 1905 it was restored, now definitely, its current name of Universidad de Los Andes.


Strengthen the values ​​of man, collaborate in the orientation of the life of the Andean region and the country through its intellectual contribution in the clarification of problems and the development of regional and national potentialities, performing a leading role in education, culture, arts and science, as part of the National System of University Education [2] .

For this, its activities will be aimed at creating, assimilating, teaching and disseminating scientific, technological and humanistic knowledge, through research, development, innovation, teaching and extension, organizing itself functionally in close coordination with the other institutions of the national system, in order to to form the professional and technical teams necessary for regional and national development and progress.


To be an Institution in a permanent process of change, transformation, growth and development, based on a culture of quality and excellence, planning, multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity and corporate leadership, with a dynamic, decentralized, flexible structure, whose academic autonomy, of research and extension tends to develop knowledge and solve problems in the environment. It favors contributing to sustainable development, under criteria of quality of life and human solidarity, in a process of permanent education, characterized by being global, democratic, dynamic, flexible, innovative, creative, open to change, andragogical and of excellence [ 3] .

Description of Competences

  • Promote changes to promote values ​​and attitudes that support the training of comprehensive professionals of high academic quality, who contribute to local, regional and national development.
  • Promote and disseminate research, studies and activities that positively impact the environment in order to respond to social requirements.
  • Transcending the development of the Andean Region through multiple activities of social impact, expressed through academic extension activities, professional and technical assistance (consultancies), sporting events, cultural events and editorial activity; allowing permanent contact with local and regional communities and promoting socio-cultural and economic potential.
  • Guarantee the permanence and the continuation of the student.
  • Strengthen the physical infrastructure.
  • Implement actions that improve the standard of living of university personnel.
  • Project effectively and transparently the results of university management and administration.
  • Aldea Mundo, a biannual publication sponsored by the Center for Border Studies and Integration of the Universidad de los Andes in Táchira.


It comprises an area of ​​360,719 m 2. distributed throughout the three Andean States, It has 11 Faculties, 3 autonomous nuclei located in the cities of San Cristóbal, Trujillo and El Vigía, plus two university extensions that allow the development of academic and extension activities with undergraduate studies, Postgraduate and professional updating in the cities of Tovar and Valera, in addition to several research centers, their instruction is given in Spanish, with a study regime per semester, in most of their careers.

The studies taught cover various areas of knowledge, such as: Basic Sciences, Engineering, Architecture and Technology, Agricultural and Marine Sciences, Health Sciences, Education Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Letters and Arts. The teaching activities are at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, in addition they are complemented with research, culture and extension programs.

The University is governed mainly by the University Law, supported by Regulations, Statutes, Norms and Policies.

It has university dependencies, which are the instances where its personnel carry out the execution of functions related to teaching, research and extension, managing the processes that support the academy and decision-making. The University Community has bodies that provide benefits and protection to its members. The University Student Centers are student organizations that represent students, defend their rights and ensure better academic training. It also has a set of Trade Union Organizations, which look after the interests of its members.

The university nuclei are units or campuses where several faculties are concentrated, and they are the following:

Core of Mérida

  • “Pedro Rincón Gutiérrez, La Hechicera” University Complex:Located in the extreme northeast of the city of Mérida in an underdeveloped area, it is the largest complex in the city with about 1 km 2 of surface. It is made up of three Faculties: Architecture and Design, Sciences and Engineering, an integrated Library (one for the 3 faculties), a university dining room, a sports area ( Baseball, Soccer, Swimming, Karate and Taekwondo ), and the headquarters of the University Directorate of sport.
  • “La Liria” University Complex:It is located in the north-central area of ​​the city of Mérida in front of the Albarregas Recreational Complex where the Plaza Monumental Román Eduardo Sandia is located, delimited by Avenida Las Américas and Avenida Los Próceres. It houses the Faculties of: Economic and Social Sciences, Legal and Political Sciences and Humanities and Education. It also has sports facilities and a university cafeteria.
  • “Los Chorros” University Complex:Known as “Basic Cycle”, since the initial basic cycle of the Faculty of Engineering had a presence at this headquarters for years. It is located on the Main Avenue of the Chorros de Milla in the city of Mérida, which leads to the well-known Chorros de Milla Zoo. The Complex is surrounded by important forest reserves that give it the emblem of the careers that are taught here, in this headquarters exclusively resides the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, in addition to the administrative offices of: Student Admission, Student Records, and the Directorate of Student Affairs, all attached to the institution, and additionally has the largest dining room in the ULA.
  • “Campo de Oro” University Complex:Located in the sector known as Campo de Oro in Mérida, which is located on the edge of the Tatuy Plateau, surrounded by Avenida Humberto Tejeras. Its facilities are made up of an open field with few buildings, on this campus only the Faculty of Pharmacy and Bioanalysis is located, as well as the addresses of: Transportation, Surveillance and Maintenance, in addition to the men’s residences and sports facilities such as the Olympic pool, the Polideportivo stadium, the Softball stadium, and the Rugby, Judo and Beach Volleyball training grounds.

Foreign nuclei

  • “Rafael Rangel” University Center(NURR): University headquarters for the city of Trujillo, Trujillo State. In these facilities, more than 20 careers are taught, mostly in the areas of: Education, Engineering, Social Sciences and Agricultural Sciences, among which the Careers of Production Engineering in Agroecosystems, Agricultural Engineering, Administration, Accounting, Communication stand out. Social, Education Mention Ecology and Environmental Education.
  • “Pedro Rincón Gutiérrez” University Center(NUTULA): Known as Táchira Center, it is located in the city of San Cristóbal, Táchira State. Here 8 undergraduate careers are taught, among which Social Communication stands out.
  • “Alberto Adriani” University Center(NUAA): University headquarters for the city of El Vigía, Mérida State. Created under unanimous decree of the University Council on January 22, 2007, at present this headquarters is under construction, and until now the basic cycles of engineering careers are taught, in such a way that students who enter the institution by this nucleus and they complete their basic cycle, they must finish their university degree at the headquarters of the city of Mérida.
  • University Extension “Valle del Mocotíes”:The extension has its origins in the 60’s when a group of cultural makers asked the ULA to create a cultural extension for the population of Tovar, however its formation as a university extension was carried out in April 2007, being its inauguration official on September 8 of the same year, when the first undergraduate degree began, since then it has had a strong social impact in the City of Tovar and its surroundings, it has 3 undergraduate careers in progress: Bachelor’s degrees in Visual Arts and Education, mention Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, as well as the Higher University Technician in Health Statistics, diplomas not leading to degrees, teacher training program and extension activities,all taught from its headquarters in the “Elbano Méndez Osuna” Cultural Center Building, in addition to the proposals to start the careers of Agroindustrial Engineering, Business Administration and Public Accounting.
  • University Extension of “Valera”:The Extension of the School of Medicine in the city of Valera was created in 1961 due to the excessive demand of medical students in this house of studies, today the possibility of open the first year of the Medicine career, in order to decongest the school of the main nucleus in the city of Mérida.

Location (Campus)

  1. Santa Rosa Experimental Station
  2. University Complex “Pedro Rincón Gutiérrez, La Hechicera”
  3. Forest Set
  4. “Los Chorros” University Complex, better known as “Basic Cycle”
  5. Los Caciques Residences
  6. Postgraduate Degree in Management of Renewable Natural Resources and the Environment
  7. Union of Workers of the University of Los Andes (SITULA)
  8. CIDIAT residences
  9. Teachers Association (APULA)
  10. University Complex “La Liria”
  11. Educational Center Association of Professors of the University of Los Andes (CEAPULA)
  12. Outpatient Venezuela
  13. Rectorate Building and Faculty of Dentistry
  14. San José Building (CUDA)
  15. Nursing school
  16. Bethlehem Outpatient
  17. Lourdes Stadium
  18. Insurance Office of the University of Los Andes (OFISEULA)
  19. Administrative building
  20. Postgraduate in Comprehensive Protection Engineering
  21. Hydraulic Laboratory Set
  22. Female Residence
  23. School of Medicine
  24. Palomaris Building
  25. Luis Ghersi Govea Sports Set
  26. Center for Psychological Research
  27. Quinta Albarregas
  28. Comprehensive Medical Care Center of the University of Los Andes (CAMIULA)
  29. University Hospital of Los Andes
  30. Faculty of Pharmacy and Bioanalysis
  31. Villa San Gabriel
  32. Comprehensive Clinical Analysis Laboratory
  33. Male Residences-Pool ULA
  34. Union of Graphic Arts of the State of Merida (SAGEM)
  35. Los Andes University Employees Association (AEULA)
  36. Advisory, Projects and Technological Innovation Unit (UAPIT)
  37. Central Azucarero de Los Andes (CALA)


The faculties are autonomous, they have a first university authority that is the Dean, in addition to the directors of each school or department that integrates it.

The Faculties are the following:

  • Faculty of Architecture and Design
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Science Faculty
  • Faculty of economics and social sciences
  • Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences
  • Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences
  • Faculty of Pharmacy and Bioanalysis
  • Faculty of Humanities and Education
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry

Research centers

The research centers are:

  • School of Medicine
    • Cardiovascular Research Center
    • Center for Physiology of the Heights
    • Center for Psychological Research.
    • Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Clinical Research with Epidemiological Basis.
    • Laboratory of Behavioral Physiology
    • Institute of Clinical Immunology.
  • Faculty of Dentistry
    • Dental Research Center (CIO)
    • Faculty of Pharmacy and Bioanalysis
    • Research Institute of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Bioanalysis (IIFFB)
    • Comprehensive Bioanalysis Laboratory
    • Pharmaceutical Industrial Technology Laboratory
    • Zoonosis Laboratory
    • Bone Mechanism Laboratory
    • Food Processing Plant
    • Herbarium “Doctor Luis Ruiz Terán”
  • Faculty of Humanities and Education
    • Institute of Literary Research “Gonzalo Picón Febres”
    • Center for Historical Studies “Carlos Emilio Muñoz Oráa” (CEHCEMO)
    • Center for Ethnological Research (CIET)
    • Human Sciences Research Center (HUMANIC)
    • Center for Studies of Africa, Asia and Latin American and Caribbean Diasporas “José Manuel Briceño Moncillo” (CEAA)
    • Center for Linguistic Research and Attention “Julio Cesar Salas” (CIAL)
    • Center for Applied Sports Sciences (CECAD)
    • Center for Informatics Research and Instructional Design (CINDISI)
    • Center for Research in Reading, Writing and Socio-educational Innovations (CENDILES)
    • Aesthetic Research Center (CIE) of the School of Modern Languages
    • Foreign Language Research Center (CILE)
    • Phonetics Laboratory
    • Biomechanics Laboratory
    • Exercise Physiology Laboratory
    • Physical Body Prevention and Rehabilitation Laboratory
    • Didactic and Pedagogy Laboratory
    • Laboratory of Health and Sports Psychology
    • Applied Force Laboratory
  • Faculty of Arts
    • Laboratory of Semiotics of the Arts
  • Faculty of Engineering
    • Institute of Photogrammetry
    • Center for Micro-computing and Digital Systems Studies
    • Center for Simulation and Models Studies
    • Inter-American Center for Environmental and Territorial Research and Development
    • Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics Research Center
    • Formulation, Interfaces, Rheology and Processes Laboratory (FIRP)
    • Hydraulic Laboratory
  • Science Faculty
    • Institute of Environmental and Ecological Sciences (ICAE)
    • Mérida Botanical Garden Research Center
    • Latin American and Caribbean Center for Research on Science Teaching (CELCIEC)
    • Los Andes University Circuit for Integrated Waste Management (CIULAMIDE)
  • Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences
    • Institute of Geography and Conservation of Natural Resources
    • Agricultural Research Institute (IIAP)
    • Research Institute for Forest Development (INDEFOR)
    • Latin American Forestry Institute
    • Geomorphology Laboratory
    • Soil Laboratory
    • Geographic Information Systems Laboratory
    • National Forest Products Laboratory (LABONAC)
    • Computer lab
    • Laboratory of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensors (LFSR)
  • Faculty of Architecture and Industrial Design
    • Center for Historical Studies of the Faculty of Architecture “Alfonso Vanegas Rizo”
    • Materials Laboratory
    • Ergonomics Laboratory
    • Models Workshop
  • Faculty of economics and social sciences
    • Agri-Food Research Center
    • Center for Research and Business Development (CIDE)
    • Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing (IEAC)
    • Institute of Economic and Social Research (IIES)
  • Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences
    • Legal Research Center (CIJ)
    • Center for Criminal and Criminological Investigations (CENIPEC)
    • Ibero-American Center for Provincial and Local Studies (CIEPROL)
    • Center for Andean Rural Studies (CERA)

University Council

The University of Los Andes is governed mainly by the Law of Universities (Extraordinary Official Gazette No. 1429 of September 1970). In accordance with Article 24 of said Law, the highest authority resides in the University Council, which exercises governance functions through the rector, vice-rectors and secretary, in accordance with their respective attributions [4] .

This form of government is exercised through the following levels:

Political Level: Function that falls on the University Council, strategically linked with the formulation and evaluation of general policies that guide the direction and vision of the institution as a whole. Structurally, it is made up of the Rector, who presides over it, the Academic Vice-Rector, Administrative Vice-Rector, Secretary, deans of faculties, representatives of professors (5), student representatives (3), a representative of graduates and a representative of the Ministry of Higher Education. The ULA Legal Advisor attends its sessions in order to clarify possible legal doubts that may arise in the discussion of the issues discussed. By virtue of the strategic managerial nature, this level is related to decisions emanating from public organizations linked to the higher education sector.

Executive level: It is related to the execution of medium and short-term decisions taken by the University Council, an attribution that falls on the Rector, Academic Vice-Rector, Administrative Vice-Rector and Secretary, when each one exercises particular functions of their respective positions. Structurally, it is made up of authorities from faculties and university nuclei, faculty councils and central directors who carry out substantive activities of teaching, research and extension, and the central dependencies in support of these basic functions.

University of the Andes (Venezuela)